Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Daddy's girl!

Ok i have a princess and her name is Kayla Garcia, my 9 yr old daughter. I fall in love with her more and more everyday. She is not easy but she is going to be a remarkable women. Everyday i get to make new memories and the ones I am enjoying the most is our late night conversations when i am tucking her in. I get to hear how she thinks, what is troubling her, what perplexes her, what she dreams about. I love those conversations. Tonight i went to tuck her in at 9pm and stayed talking to her till 9:50pm. it was awesome! we talked about everything. she asked me questions i asked her questions. about life, about food, about animals whatever she wanted to talk about. Nothing got in our way, no schedule, no cell phone, no clothes to wash, no sleepiness, no little brother jumping on top of us, it was just me and her, Daddy and princess.

The highlight of our conversation was when she started to ask about where people go when they don't know God. See, she accepted God 4mos ago, and got baptized 2wks ago, so she knows where she is going, but she wanted to get refreshed on what happens to those who don't know. Well after a little refresher she ended up leading us in prayer for those she cares about that do not know Christ. it was awesome! I will always remember everyone of these conversations forever, i want to be her best friend. Everytime we have these conversations i feel she trusts me more and more, so she can always open up to me.

Just wanted to share with you one of the many blessings in my life. My Princess! Thankyou Lord for my Princess! :)