Friday, November 16, 2007


Ok Have you ever found your self ready to put your head or your fist through a wall? OH MY GOSH! yesterday was my day. from the moment i walked into work to the moment I closed my eyes at night. I had a day from hell! It was horrible. I came in with a prepared mentality to knock out the tone of work that i had, but my MAC had an entire different idea. The night before i decided to upgrade my OS(operating system) to the new Leopard OS. Well at first all was well, but in the morning all of my applications started to freeze ultimately leading to the demise of my computer. I was so frustrated. In my head i was going insane but on the outside i was quiet. My co-worker and friend Carlos Garcia helped me out but as i went home i still had some issues with the MAC. Add to all that my kids were being crazy. Surprisingly i did not flip on them, but in my head i was banging my head against the wall. They did not know, but i held it and laughed externally like a mad man. it was one of those days that i wished that God had in place my partner in crime for help, support, and a caring shoulder.

In short, today is a little better, most of the issues have been resolved and will be by the end of this weekend. Please pray for me and our team we have so much to accomplish by the end of the year we need support with your prayers. Anyways i have let it out. Hopefully today will be better.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

My Heart Beat!

Guys i just wanted to tell you that I love You. Thankyou for letting me share with you, thankyou for letting me into your ears and hearts. My heart beats by pouring out. My existence is all about who i am for God. I could not see the day that i don't tell anyone what God is to me, what he has done, and what he is able to do. There is so much brokenness in this world, and I get to be a part of God's healing process. A tool. I see so many people, hear there stories, and I don't fix it, or change it, i don't have that power but i do offer the hug, the word of encouragement, the direction to the one that has the power to do so. Joy fills my heart to see a desperate face change to one of hope by a word of encouragement, or an reassuring embrace that God knows, he hears.

I look forward to sharing more with you guys.

I would like to pray for you. If you have any prayer requests send them to me. I would like to pray for you.

Looking forward to hear from you.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Miss you , be back soon

Guys, God has been working in my heart, I have so much to write about but i have been formulating my thoughts. I miss you guys, so make sure you check back this week and read about some cool things that God has been showing me.

See You soon.......!

Leave A Legacy! :)