Saturday, September 15, 2007

Mommy's Bandaid

My dear friends do you remember when you were young and you would get a boo boo on your knee and mommy would come with the band aid and say those simple words " you are going to be alright"?
My, how powerful word those words were, your little knee would still sting a bit but you sighed with relief just knowing that you were going to be alright just because mommy said so. How many of those band aid moments could you use for every moment that adulthood has stung you? Specifically in the last 3 1/2 years i have had many moments that i would of loved for mommy to put that band aid on and just say "it's going to be alright". Being in ministry i get to meet people going through stuff that you could not imagine, they are facing pain, disappointment's, hopelessness and sometimes i just want to have the same punch that mommies words had and say "it will be alright". Mommy has not been able to be there for all my moments of pain, loneliness and sorrow, but God has not failed me. He has put people around me at the right time, and the right words to tell me "it's going to be alright". (all--right).

If you find yourself tonight, as i have found myself so many times: alone, disappointed, hurting, desperate, tired, hopeless, i share this with you:

Psalms 121:5-6
5 The Lord himself watches over you!
The Lord stands beside you as your protective shade.
6 The sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon at night
Psalm 147:3
3 He heals the brokenhearted
and binds up their wounds.

Guys, i share with you so hopefully you see my heart that i do not breathe or move forward unless it were for God. Many times i hurt, feel lonely, desperate for rescue, and you know he always come in time. So I encourage you to surrender all the restlessness of your heart in his hands and let his peace reign in your life. I pray that you find these words encouraging and that God surrounds you with the right people, with the right words to give you hope that only comes from God. God bless you

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The Foggy Sunrise!

Still getting Naked........

The Foggy Sunrise???? What??? stick with me I will explain.

In 1995 i graduated from Cooper City High school. Two years later i married my high school sweet heart. Two kids that were crazy about each other decided to get married. We had two beautiful kids. Kayla (9) Andres. (6). We were married 7 1/2 years when my wife at the time, decided she needed a change in life, and that change did not include me in the picture. I could not stop it, i did everything in my power to save my marriage but her mind was made up and that was it. It broke my heart. I have never suffered the way i suffered when i faced my divorce, never cried the why i did during my divorce, it was horrible!

The nakedness.......
My heart has never been the same since. I have been on a emotional rollercoaster chained to my fears of ever finding someone that would love me the way i want to be loved, and more importantly finding someone that i could love with all of my heart. I have been so frustrated throughout the years because my heart has been chained by these fears. Many times i feel so alone and as a failure. Sometimes with my kids as well, because i feel there is not enough time in the day to be everything that i need to be for them.

The naked truth.......
Yes! these years have been so frustrating at times, yes i am scared, many times.
I am not sure what the answer is to all these questions but what i do know is i will not QUIT!
I will not quit because the bible says "Greater is he who is me, then he who is in the world". I will not quit because i have seen that God has never failed me. My God loves me, I know that he has shown me over and over. I will rest in his promise in James 4:14 How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog—it’s here a little while, then it’s gone.

Foggy - yeah there are days it's all foggy and i can't see God's purpose but i can't lose sight of the....
Sunrise- God, in his ways letting me know "Son, I got you, fear not, I am with you always, the best is yet to come".

If you are reading this i write this not to get you to feel sorry for me, it is to share with you the Hope that keeps me alive, that keeps me moving forward, pushing me to finish the race. I hope that whatever scenario you find yourself challenged by that my story gives you hope to not quit! God bless you.

Just Toys????

Just getting naked......

Ok so the other day i decided to clean house a little. I asked my kids to collect all the toys they no longer use and put them in a bag for donation. To my kids it was just toys that they we were getting rid of, but i did not know when we started the project the effect it would have on me. After my kids were done cleaning house, i happen to glance at some of the toys in the bag, man, my emotions took over. Every toy represented for me a trip to Walmart or Toys r' us, or Target as a family. Every toy represented a year of growth for my babies. I remember the expression on there faces when the received these particular toys, and the 5mins they were excited about the toy until they started using the boxes the toys came in to build houses.

Man it was emotional for me to drop those toys off at the Salvation Army store. I also dropped off a bag of old clothes. I remember when i bought them each article of clothing. Remember seeing them run around the house etc. It seemed that when i dropped these items off at the Salvation Army i said goodbye to those memories forever.

It just encouraged me to embrace now, this moment, this season. Time flies!