Monday, January 14, 2008

Daddy to the rescue

Every other Monday my children's mother takes them to school, meaning I get to catch up with much needed sleep from the weekend, but no, no,no, not this morning. Princess Kayla called me at 8am. I could hear the sadness in her voice, could not see them but I knew tears were in here eyes. "Papi, my field trip form is at your house". For a second, i tried to have a Father daughter lesson with my princess, "who's responsibility is that baby". she replies, " mine Papi". offcourse that lesson lasted one second when i heard the words "please bring it". THE TRUMPETS WERE SOUNDING, i was like the men from the movie 300. all powerful Papi, on his way. i took the quickest shower in my life, packed her lunch, found some loose change for possible snacks she can buy and flew to her rescue. I am driving 100 miles per hour, ("sorry, Lord, 88miles per hour) and as i was driving i can just picture me running in a field of yellow daisies in slow motion, with the field trip form in one hand and the lunch in the other!!! Well there was not a field of daisies but a beautiful, little girl came out of her classroom, with a sie of relief and hug saying "Thankyou Papi" it was a glorious moment. Daddy to the Rescue!