Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Papi! (Music to My ears)

"Papi"! Music to my ears! i love to hear that word, come out of the mouth's of my kids. "Thankyou Papi". "I love you Papi". "You are the best Papi". I Love to hear those words. It's funny, i hear those words in moments i believe are non impressive, like making Macaronni and Cheese with frozen Chicken Nuggets! UMMMMMMMM! Thankyou Papi. this is so awesome. (my boogers say to me) To me I'm like "kids Macaronni and Cheese and Nuggets", but to them it's Heaven and I'm the best. Or when it's movie Night at the Garcia home and i attempt to make cookies. As you can see they are nothing compared to Martha Stewarts cookies but to my kids, im Freaking Emeril! Kids spell Love "TIME". It does not matter if it is just Maccaronni and Cheese or deformed cookies, all that matters to them is that i took the time to make what fills the desires of there hearts. Even if it frozen chicken nuggets.