Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Papi! (Music to My ears)

"Papi"! Music to my ears! i love to hear that word, come out of the mouth's of my kids. "Thankyou Papi". "I love you Papi". "You are the best Papi". I Love to hear those words. It's funny, i hear those words in moments i believe are non impressive, like making Macaronni and Cheese with frozen Chicken Nuggets! UMMMMMMMM! Thankyou Papi. this is so awesome. (my boogers say to me) To me I'm like "kids Macaronni and Cheese and Nuggets", but to them it's Heaven and I'm the best. Or when it's movie Night at the Garcia home and i attempt to make cookies. As you can see they are nothing compared to Martha Stewarts cookies but to my kids, im Freaking Emeril! Kids spell Love "TIME". It does not matter if it is just Maccaronni and Cheese or deformed cookies, all that matters to them is that i took the time to make what fills the desires of there hearts. Even if it frozen chicken nuggets.


all day (allen d) said...

very cool post Rick! Now it's Mac and cheese, but tomorrow will be a car!

lili said...

u r a great "papi" =)

(and those cookies look extra yummy!!!) any leftovers?

Michele said...

You got that right! They (kids)are the best and anything we can do or time we spend is all they ask. Some love and time spent = a great recipe!! Have a great week

LiZ the MiZ said...

Thats a great statement: Kids spell love "TIME", I'll keep that for the long run, Thanks!!! You are an amazing guy and father. You only have to look at your kids to know that

SmilingSally said...

Making memories is what you are doing, and it's a good use of your time.

Lis said...

It's so true - that kids treasure any TIME we spend with them. We just have to make sure that we make that TIME for them.
It shows what a great dad you are to them.
God Bless!!!

Heather Palacios said...

hellllllllllllllloooooooooooo? i'm waitin' and waitin' and waitin' & so r all your other crazed fans....give us sumpin' here, bro! :)

Heather Palacios said...

hellllllllllllllloooooooooooo? i'm waitin' and waitin' and waitin' & so r all your other crazed fans....give us sumpin' here, bro! :)