Tuesday, June 10, 2008


Can i vent??? My son is in his room right now, crying, he has been very challenging today, all within in the time that i just go home from work. I'm tired, not physically, but my mind, my emotions, my heart. i feel there is so much that i have to do here at home, and for my kids, and i don't know where to start.

Most of the time i feel like i am in the wrong movie theater. I am seeing my life played out in front of me but when i look at my ticket it has a totally different theater.

As alone i feel right now, i can't help but to think how many people have it worse, and who am i to complain. So i will pick my head up, realize that my son has stopped to cry, that i accomplished alot today at work, game 3 of the NBA finals are on tonight, and that "God you love me, you made me, i am yours forever".


edlilichrisvic said...

we've ALL been there...wish I could make ya some farina and make it all go away!?! Hang in there =)

and if you need a pick me up, just check out the ghetto pics of you & your stocking head on Heather's blog!?! -L (gg)

Lis said...

Venting with others I believe is a great way to help us thru our challenging times with our children.
I believe all parents go thru struggles but sometimes when we are single we tend to feel a little more helpless but we have to just feel lucky we have the time we do and try and see the positive sides to it like you did...
Hope that you enjoyed the game and that your day today is much less challeging both at work and at home!!
God is with us always!!!
Have a Blessed Day

Kevis said...

you are so right bro.i may not understand exactly whats you are going through, but I myself is going through tough times. Today especailly was one of those days where I felt overwhelmed.like i was in the wilderness and no one could hear my cries. But as you said. alot of people have it worse. IM just trusting God that he will take care of me.

Gon said...

I know exactly what you mean. I had one of those days yesterday and it seems to be carrying over to today. The last month has been one ginormous emotional rollercoaster ride for me and my family. In a matter of three weeks there was a death in the family, the loss of a much needed contract, many financial adjustments, and the one good news of my amazing wife being pregnant.
One thing I do know is GOD always leads us to where we need to be, and that gives me rest knowing it's not up to me.
I won't make you farina like lili could but if you ever need to "vent" you know where to find me.

G, Gon, Gonzo, Gus, Gonzalo

Michele said...

Nice to see you decided to vent - or simply just post something.. Its been a while.. As a single mother, I totally understand what you go through and tough it can seem at times. It is truly a joy though to see a sngle father take on such an important role and do it so well. As a single mother, it is common to find others, but not necessarily as common to run into the great dads doing it on their own..Its tough! But at the end of the day our children are such a blessing. have a wonderful week