Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Just Toys????

Just getting naked......

Ok so the other day i decided to clean house a little. I asked my kids to collect all the toys they no longer use and put them in a bag for donation. To my kids it was just toys that they we were getting rid of, but i did not know when we started the project the effect it would have on me. After my kids were done cleaning house, i happen to glance at some of the toys in the bag, man, my emotions took over. Every toy represented for me a trip to Walmart or Toys r' us, or Target as a family. Every toy represented a year of growth for my babies. I remember the expression on there faces when the received these particular toys, and the 5mins they were excited about the toy until they started using the boxes the toys came in to build houses.

Man it was emotional for me to drop those toys off at the Salvation Army store. I also dropped off a bag of old clothes. I remember when i bought them each article of clothing. Remember seeing them run around the house etc. It seemed that when i dropped these items off at the Salvation Army i said goodbye to those memories forever.

It just encouraged me to embrace now, this moment, this season. Time flies!


Jenny said...
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Pris said...

Time does fly...memories don't need to, unless we want them to.

Danita said...

This is soooo true!! My little secret: I have a very small box of things I just cannot get rid of!! But I too, have found myself in the same situation! Dont think of getting rid of memories...the memories are always in your heart! You know Ricky, that my family and I, are extremely close...and one thing that helps us to remember those unforgetable moments...are PICTURES!! We are picture fanatics! Take pics of Kayla and Andres, so you can always LOOK back, and have something tangible.
Lots of LOVE-God bless.