Monday, October 13, 2008

Are my kids Trying to tell me something??????

The other day i was looking for a spoon and when i opened the droor this is what I found:

Thats right, a 3 day old ham & cheese sandwich. My son decided that he did not want his sandwich so he put it in the droor. I wake up every morning to make my boogers lunch, but i think i have to re-think the menu, because the current one is not too popular.


Pris said...

Good post, great picture! How about Lunchables? He likes those

Ivette said...

I always make extra dinner and she takes it to school the next day. I have a small thermos which you can microwave and the good stays pretty warm by lunchtime. Have been doing for years and works pretty well.

Heather Palacios said...

OMGosh! No way? That's nasty. Well I woke up the other day to Andy pissin' in our new fabric-lined garbage can. It is now IN the garbage can. BOYS!?!?!

NewBeginnings2008 said...

I have been there. Now I let them tell me what they want the night before. I give them 2 choices. If it is neither of those it is school lunch... Maybe you can let them help you make it. That worked for my oldest son for a while... Anyways,

Good Luck....

Paola said...

My favorite was grilled cheese (made with muenster or mozzarella) wrapped in foil to keep at least a little warm... I am sure modern technology has better ways to insulate, though :)