Monday, November 17, 2008

My HighSchool Best Friend

Believe it or not one of my best friends in High School was a girl! I can hear so many of you smirking right now, but it is true. Her name was Jess. We got along so great, laughed so hard, hung out so much, but i lossed touch with her after highschool. It's been about 14 yrs since i have heard from her or about her whereabouts. Well, it was not till recently that through a mutual friend I reconnected with Jess again, and found out that through all these years she has lived in Broward as well. Totally Awesome! She has a beautiful family. Has this happened to you before, reconnecting with great parts of your past? Tell me about it....


lili said...

Ive run into many old faces at flamingo actually these past 3-4 as I was sang on stage with MAG - I began to cry when our eyes locked.

She was my ultimate BFF at Edison Middle (yes the hood!?) Roslyn Martinez.

Ros attends the Hallandale Campus!! So glad she knows Christ :)

Lis said...

It is always great to reconnect with people that were special in your life... I too have recently connected with great friends from the past through Facebook (awesome site for reconnecting)... and have found out they weren't too far away either...
Have invited one to FRC - hoping they will make it for this new series.....