Wednesday, April 15, 2009

I Hurt when you Hurt

Today i went to Chapel at my childs school to see my son who was going to sing on stage infront of 400 other students. I got the seat that i thought would allow me to see him best. Out comes the first group of kids to sing there 1st song. No Andres. Second group of kids, NO Andres. Last group of kids, No Andres. What! the worship is over! it can't be! "I say" with great dismay. I look over and i see a little boy sitting close to the stage as if he were waiting for something that never came. It was my boy. He was alone and sad. He took his seat next to the stage waiting anxiously for his moment. His moment to sing a song he has practiced arduously everyday in the car with me. "Papi I know it!" "Promise you will come see me in Chapel" he pleaded with me everyday, but his moment did not come today.

I ran over to where he was sitting and put my arms around him. he said "Papi this day is horrible, i was suppose to sing" He was embarrassed, because he had worked so hard and passionately in his preparation. I was hurting for him, My gut felt like hiding for him, he pushed is head into me as if trying to hide. There was no word at that moment that could be stronger than me wrapping my arms around him.

I am thankful that i am his Father, and that i had the opportunity to feel his pain and be his refuge. I am so proud of how God has wired my boy. My Prince. My Son. Andres Ricardo Garcia. I love him with every part of my existence. Thankyou Lord for my Prince and my Princess.


Paola said...

awww.... what happened?

lili said...

you're describing the moment and its so hard to read :( These are the heartwrenching moments u wish u could make go away, but atleast he had his papi there to wrap his arms around him & absorb the pain.

Just like our Father - have hid in His arms many of times...

on the flipside though, it was cool to read about his PREP & Passion leading up to the event. I wonder where he got that from????? :)

BZ Ward said...

Wow!! I agree with Lili... such prep and determination, and passionate heart. Great things ahead for him!! :) So precious he has a papi like you!

Allison said...

ahhh I feel the pain in what you write because he's been practicing his songs with me. But I agree with Lili, who else better to be a father to him, at this moment, but you?

Sometimes, in those moments, no words speak the loudest for us as kids.

Lis said...

He is such a lucky boy to have such a great and dedicated papi like urself.
And he is going to be following the footsteps of a great leader as urself.

Pris said...

I hurt when you hurt...