Tuesday, August 7, 2007

A Thorn bush or a Late blooming Rose Bush?

Have you had anyone in your life or currently have someone in your lives that you would consider a thorn on your side? According to UseEnglish.com (A thorn in your side is someone or something that causes trouble or makes life difficult for you)

Ok, now that we know what the expression (idiom) means take a moment and think of all the thorns you have had experience with in your past or you may currently have one right now. I have been blessed with many thorns in my life. Sometimes they are very hard to pull out, get rid off, get away from. Sometimes you can't runaway from them you just have to face them, but it is so amazing that often the thorns that i have faced are the ones that God has persuaded me to express unconditional love to. Can you say the same? that those thorns are the ones you can't escape and you just have to be better, be humble and love when you don't want to love?

Well, guys I have not had a thorn but a thorn bush, in my life for quite some time. And truthfully i have wanted to run away from it sooooooo bad but God has asked me, has told me that his unconditional love is what he wanted me to offer. It has been very humbling, but you know only God has the ability to transform a Thorn bush into a Rose bush. We are simply the seeds, and God is the water, the sunlight, that helps the growth, the transformation. I have been praying for this Thorn Bush and folks in the last week, finally i am starting to see little Rose Petals grow. It's amazing!!! The amazing thing is I am not caught up on how the thorns have pricked me and painfully embedded themselves in me for a long period of time , i am more amazed that God's all powerful, and is answering my prayers, in bits and pieces. Just because we don't see right away with our eyes or we can't touch it with our hands does not mean that God is not up to something. He is behind the scenes doing his mighty works.

My question to you? Who is the Thorn Bush in your lives? Have you stopped believing that they can be transformed into a Rose Bush? Take time today remember that there is nothing too Great for God, nothing. Sorry for the book, but had too share. luv you guys.

Leave A Legacy......

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hummm, who is the late blooming Rose bush in your life? You cant tell us something and not really tell us, not fair! You've left the reader both pensive and intrigued. Very good job for a new writer... lol, now I'm waiting for part two:p