Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Barely Hanging On!

You ever feel this way?? like you are just barely hanging on. Just getting through the days,going through the motions, not really living. Who' fault is that? Your own. In this case my own. I am responsible to make sure that I live, breathe and not miss out on the journey of life. When I am tired, get rest. When I am broken allow time for mending. When i am overwhelmed, let others help. I'm working on living, not just hanging on for dear life. i have to be intentional with every bit of my time. its a learning process, but i'm in for the ride. :)


lili said...

can totally relate...reading this book called Journey to Wholeness. Trying to not just focus on the destination, but savor the steps that will get me there.

Allison said...

What I read in my devotional...

Secure in His Grasp
-God is strong and can help you not to fall. Jude 24

You and I are on a great climb. The wall is high, and the stakes are higher. You took your first step the day you confessed Christ as the Son of God. He gave you his harness- the Holy Spirit In your hands he placed a rope- His Word.

Your first steps were confident and strong,but with the journey came weariness, and with the height came fear. You lost your footing. You lost your focus. You lost grip,an you fell. For a moment, which seemed like forever,you tumbled wildly. Out of control. Out of sel-control. Disoriented. Falling.

But then the rope tightened, and the tumble ceased. You hung in the harness and found it to be strong. You grasped the rope and found it to be true. And though you can't see your guide, you know Him. You know He is strong. You know He is able to keep you from falling.

Immediately after I read your blog, this popped into my head and I just had to share it with you. Fortunately when we feel like we are just barely haning on, or the rope is about to break, thats right at the moment when God tightens up His grip and doesn't let us fall.

Flavio A. Lugo said...

Anything in life, comes with great sacrifice, and with great sacrifice comes moments that completely drain you, and as I was told by you (Ricky), when your body can no longer run the race, you look to your mind to will you to continue as Peter said in Corinthians. Translation to those who may not know, when you think you can no longer persist in life, look to the Lord to pick you up when you have fallen. It is HE who shall be the salvation of the weak, and battered. Peace be with you all. -God bless.