Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Take it to the Hole!

Another day at the gym and there is not one day that i don't face My Greatest Opponent... ME! I am not Dwayne Wade but I can make my opponent sweat, even break some ankles taking the ball to the hole, but what good is the move if i can't finish and score. So often I get the upper hand on my defender but I don't finish and score. Why? because there is a greater opponent that i face and it's Me.

In the book "Fred Factor" author Mark Sanborn says "we compete against our own potential every day, and most of us fall short of what we are capable of doing or being". We all face that silent competitor everyday "mediocrity".

What stops me from finishing:
1. lack of focus
2. lack of hunger
3. lack of confidence

What is it in your life that is stopping you from finishing, achieving your goals, making the score? Whatever it may be figure it out, make adjustments, and Take it to the Hole!!!!

Love to hear some of your thoughts...

1 comment:

lili said...

those are all real reasons & definite opponents to reaching our "dreams"/our potential...sometimes its even more complicated...a family member or someone you love, who as PT says...doesnt see God's dream 4 ur life