Wednesday, October 3, 2007

wHo Am I?

INSECURITY, that is the topic of the message this weekend in my church Flamingo Road. In line with our series i am back here on my blog, getting naked(authentic). how can i encourage anyone if i don't share with you my own challenges? I see myself as the man in this picture face down, beaten, as i am not good enough. There are certain people in my life that i allow to still have reign over me, that when i see them i feel so small, Why? i think that when they look at me they see an insignificant person. Stupid right? i know, but it is something that i am working on. In reality these individuals might not perceive me that way, or maybe they do, but the truth is i see myself that way. I myself don't know my significance. How can i expect anyone to see something i don't believe myself. That is the naked truth. it does not stop me from serving God, because I am complete only when i am in his will and giving my life to him. I know that God will heal all my insecurities in time, the 1st step is just recognizing that they exist.
i'd like to hear from you guys? do you struggle with insecurity? how do you fight it?


Jenny said...
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sandra said...

I have been thinking all week about this weekend topic of insecurity. When I read your blog entry, I found it so honest, forthcoming but most of all humbling. Very seldomly does one come across such honesty, such transparency but most of all such truth. Every day we are faced by others' opinions, judgements, criticism and seldom praise or approval. I have heard you sing so many times before with such love, adoration and a show of your God potential. God has given you a gift of voice and words. Your songs deliver a powerful message as well as your written word deliver inspiration. Continue to serve God the way He has guided you to. You inspire a lot of us who only know to be still, quiet and thankful.