Friday, November 16, 2007


Ok Have you ever found your self ready to put your head or your fist through a wall? OH MY GOSH! yesterday was my day. from the moment i walked into work to the moment I closed my eyes at night. I had a day from hell! It was horrible. I came in with a prepared mentality to knock out the tone of work that i had, but my MAC had an entire different idea. The night before i decided to upgrade my OS(operating system) to the new Leopard OS. Well at first all was well, but in the morning all of my applications started to freeze ultimately leading to the demise of my computer. I was so frustrated. In my head i was going insane but on the outside i was quiet. My co-worker and friend Carlos Garcia helped me out but as i went home i still had some issues with the MAC. Add to all that my kids were being crazy. Surprisingly i did not flip on them, but in my head i was banging my head against the wall. They did not know, but i held it and laughed externally like a mad man. it was one of those days that i wished that God had in place my partner in crime for help, support, and a caring shoulder.

In short, today is a little better, most of the issues have been resolved and will be by the end of this weekend. Please pray for me and our team we have so much to accomplish by the end of the year we need support with your prayers. Anyways i have let it out. Hopefully today will be better.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

My Heart Beat!

Guys i just wanted to tell you that I love You. Thankyou for letting me share with you, thankyou for letting me into your ears and hearts. My heart beats by pouring out. My existence is all about who i am for God. I could not see the day that i don't tell anyone what God is to me, what he has done, and what he is able to do. There is so much brokenness in this world, and I get to be a part of God's healing process. A tool. I see so many people, hear there stories, and I don't fix it, or change it, i don't have that power but i do offer the hug, the word of encouragement, the direction to the one that has the power to do so. Joy fills my heart to see a desperate face change to one of hope by a word of encouragement, or an reassuring embrace that God knows, he hears.

I look forward to sharing more with you guys.

I would like to pray for you. If you have any prayer requests send them to me. I would like to pray for you.

Looking forward to hear from you.

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Miss you , be back soon

Guys, God has been working in my heart, I have so much to write about but i have been formulating my thoughts. I miss you guys, so make sure you check back this week and read about some cool things that God has been showing me.

See You soon.......!

Leave A Legacy! :)

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Daddy's girl!

Ok i have a princess and her name is Kayla Garcia, my 9 yr old daughter. I fall in love with her more and more everyday. She is not easy but she is going to be a remarkable women. Everyday i get to make new memories and the ones I am enjoying the most is our late night conversations when i am tucking her in. I get to hear how she thinks, what is troubling her, what perplexes her, what she dreams about. I love those conversations. Tonight i went to tuck her in at 9pm and stayed talking to her till 9:50pm. it was awesome! we talked about everything. she asked me questions i asked her questions. about life, about food, about animals whatever she wanted to talk about. Nothing got in our way, no schedule, no cell phone, no clothes to wash, no sleepiness, no little brother jumping on top of us, it was just me and her, Daddy and princess.

The highlight of our conversation was when she started to ask about where people go when they don't know God. See, she accepted God 4mos ago, and got baptized 2wks ago, so she knows where she is going, but she wanted to get refreshed on what happens to those who don't know. Well after a little refresher she ended up leading us in prayer for those she cares about that do not know Christ. it was awesome! I will always remember everyone of these conversations forever, i want to be her best friend. Everytime we have these conversations i feel she trusts me more and more, so she can always open up to me.

Just wanted to share with you one of the many blessings in my life. My Princess! Thankyou Lord for my Princess! :)

Monday, October 8, 2007

dOes iT eVeR sTop!!!!!!

Ok i have let you into my naked head, let me invite you into my Naked house! this is me after my 5th load of laundry. Imagine! , it's only me and my kids and a cat, why do i wash so much clothes! aweeee!!!!!! It could be cumbersome at times, but i am glad that i am blessed with a house to clean, and that i can call my own and children to clean after.

Now being a single Papa i have learned a couple of things, so here our my pointers and i would love to hear yours:

1. Fabuloso- great to clean floors, smells great and now they have the kitchen counter cleaner for quick clean ups

2. Best dryer sheets - PUBLIX brand. Thats right! believe it or not, the best dryer sheets are the Publix brand, i have tried all of them, but the ones that make my clothes smell the best are the Publix brand

3. Best time to use softner - Ok i have tried the softner ball, but it does not make my clothes smell as good as when i put the softner straight into the water during the Spin cycle. i have come to learn that my clothes smell very fresh when the softner is put straight into the water in the rinse cycle.

4. Old school air freshener - most visitors our impressed or turned off within the 1st 5mins of entering your house and the way to make a cheap, home made,strong impression is:
a. pot of water
b. apple (slice it up)
c. cinnamon sticks
d. cinnamon powder
and let it simmer. makes the house smell awesome! (my mom tought me that)

* I would like to learn how to get the socks completely white again. i never get them as white as i would like, so i would love to hear some of your tricks

Well, it's been fun sharing with you, i have to go serve dinner, I made spaghetti with Turkey Sausages ( good for your health), and tend to my daughter who has stomach flu, and get the house ready for my small group tomorrow night.

God bless you. :)

Thursday, October 4, 2007

My Princess!

About 3months ago i was driving in the car with my kids and my 9yr.old daughter Kayla started to ask me alot of questions about heaven and hell. I did not want to ignore her inquisitive mind so I engaged in a conversation with her regarding salvation. I had the privilege to lead my daughter in the car to Christ. Mind you my little boy Andres was in the back with his eyes closed and praying the same words as we prayed, but I know when he truly understands his time will come when he too gives his life to Christ.

Well since those 3 mos Kayla knew Beach Baptism was coming up and thought she would be baptized on that day but needed to be refreshed on what that meant 1st. Well the time came she was ready and it happened last night as we broke in our new baptism pool at FRC, I had the privilege to baptize my daughter. It was awesome! I know the road is long but this is the 1st seed planted in her life that will get her started to reach the potential that God created her to reach. It was AWESOME!

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

wHo Am I?

INSECURITY, that is the topic of the message this weekend in my church Flamingo Road. In line with our series i am back here on my blog, getting naked(authentic). how can i encourage anyone if i don't share with you my own challenges? I see myself as the man in this picture face down, beaten, as i am not good enough. There are certain people in my life that i allow to still have reign over me, that when i see them i feel so small, Why? i think that when they look at me they see an insignificant person. Stupid right? i know, but it is something that i am working on. In reality these individuals might not perceive me that way, or maybe they do, but the truth is i see myself that way. I myself don't know my significance. How can i expect anyone to see something i don't believe myself. That is the naked truth. it does not stop me from serving God, because I am complete only when i am in his will and giving my life to him. I know that God will heal all my insecurities in time, the 1st step is just recognizing that they exist.
i'd like to hear from you guys? do you struggle with insecurity? how do you fight it?

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Going Home!

Tomorrow we are going home, yey! I am going to miss the weather here in Chicago it was awesome! We had a great time, both relaxing and insightful. We had many great conversations of where our church is and where God is taking us. We celebrated quite a bit at the privilege we have to serve at FRC.

I am ready to go home, can't wait to see my kids. i miss them very much, and i can't wait to worship this weekend. i missed it.

This weekend we are talking about Insecurity, something we all struggle with, but man do i ever struggle with it. If you really knew me you would think i needed help. I constantly have to look in the mirror and say "God made you, God chose you, God loves you". Man if not i , i will find myself reaching for the white flag quickly.

Lord i love you, i need your embrace more and more every day, remind me who i am in you, when i look at myself let me see through your eyes, and see who you have created. I ask for those God that deal with great insecurities as i do, I ask God that this weekend's topic may be uplifting and that they too, may see themselves through your eyes. I ask this in your name God.

Have a good night guys
Leave A Legacy...........

I'm Proud!

Guys so far it has been a great couple of days. Our team of pastors have had the privilege to visit a couple of the leading churches in the nation and i have to say I am so proud of being part of FRC. I am so proud of our vision, environment and execution. I really believe we have the privilege at FRC to be a part of a great team. So allow me to be your eyes here in Chicago and let me tell you that after what i have seen, we should be proud to call FRC our home. Also, it was awesome to be there at Granger to watch Troy deliver a great teaching, one of great insight and encouragement for leaders. Great Job bro! proud of you!

anyways i just had to share how proud i am of our church. we are on our way this morning to Willow Creek Community church. it should be a great experience. Have a great day guys.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Just what the doctor ordered!

A hot tub! whooooo! This morning i woke up about 8am, worked out and then hit the HOT tub! it was AWESOME! very relaxing. just what i needed. So far so good, enjoying a little break.


We are back in Chicago! This picture is taken through a window on the 14th floor of our hotel room. It is awesome! I slept well. We are back in Chicago to visit two churches. Community Christian Church, and Willow Creek Community Church. These are two very big, successful churches that are doing multi-sites like FRC. So we are going to see what there weekend services are like and meet with some of there leaders. It's cool and helpful to do that, because we pick each other's heads and learn something from one another. I am looking forward to the next couple of days because we will get to unwind a little. Just woke up, rooming with Heredes our Doral worship Pastor. He wakes up in the middle night talking and sleep walking! ok the sleep walking a little exaggeration but the talking in his sleep definitely not, but he's cool! Anyways, just wanted to say what's up to you guys. I will talk to you later

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Sunday, September 23, 2007


whooooooo! Just got home from Beach Baptism, it was awesome! I thought the weather would not permit us to go on but it ended up being perfect weather! We also had a good weekend at church.

Guys i just want to tell you thankyou for reading my blog and for sending me nice comments. It is a privilege for me to share with you. So thankyou again.

I will have some new posts coming up.

God bless you.

Leave a Legacy

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Must See!

Guys you have to watch this it is awesome! watch the entire thing, it is very uplifting!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

tHe rOaD............

My dear friends today i find myself a little tired, frustrated. I want to run the distance, i want to hear God say "Well done, good and faithful son", but the road is soooooooooo long. I feel the foundation i stand upon has been so unstable at times, i feel that I have been looking just beyond the horizon waiting for my train to come, the one that would bring a new chapter, change, refreshing, revitalization, but i am still waiting............. I have no choice to wait, in these times i have to choose to remember his promise:

Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future

Today, if you find yourself looking down the road and it seeming way too long and hard to endure, and you see tomorrow as an intangible thought join me in resting in his promise that gives us hope for tomorrow. luv you guys, have a great day.

Leave A Legacy

Monday, September 17, 2007


Ok believe it or not, i have been watching the movie Grease for the last two days with my 9yr. old daughter. at her request. is that not cool! She likes the movie. Together we have been quoting the moving lines, it so funny how we are sharing this together. You guys may not know this but i played the leading role as a Junior at American Senior High school. That's right guys i played Danny Zuko. I was the Puerto Rican version of Danny Zuko. i greased up my hair and danced. Yeah i had hair back then. Anyways, Grease an all time favorite and i am watching with my baby. I have a smile on my face. Good night!

Sunday, September 16, 2007

Open the eyes of my Heart

I just finished the 4th of our 5 weekend services. I'm taking a little break before we do our last one at 5pm. I have to thank God because most of everything went well, we had some challenges but overall it was a great weekend. We sang this song which is old school but still so powerful titled "Open the eyes of my heart". We sing, asking God to open our eyes, so we can see him lifted high through our lives, in alignment with those words we should also ask for him to open our eyes so we can see need. What am i talking about? allow me to explain:

After just finishing the 4th service today i was walking out, excited to go take a break, and I was on my way there, when i pass a gentlemen. I reached out my hand just to say hi, I said, "hi, what's up, are you having a great day?" He mumbled under his breath as to say alright but i could not understand because he was turning his head, as if something were wrong. Now, i was running out and i almost turned to continue walking but i thought his reaction was a little weird, so i turned towards him again and i asked "you doing good man". He looked at me with these eyes of desperation and turned his head as if ashamed, and he broke down in tears.
I found myself immediately engaged, and before I even started talking, internally i started thanking God because it was another opportunity to share hope, with someone who feels hopeless. It took less than a minute talking to him to find out what challenges he was facing because he could not hold back, then his wife joined our conversation. The three of us were in tears in the side hallway of our lobby, but there was no shame because God was doing something awesome in that moment. I had the privilege to pray with them, the moment was very up-lifting for all three of us. Man i thankyou Lord for letting me be there.

I encourage you all to always keep your eyes open for the need, it is out there, suffering people are out there, and God uses us to be there beacon of light and hope. Take care guys,

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Mommy's Bandaid

My dear friends do you remember when you were young and you would get a boo boo on your knee and mommy would come with the band aid and say those simple words " you are going to be alright"?
My, how powerful word those words were, your little knee would still sting a bit but you sighed with relief just knowing that you were going to be alright just because mommy said so. How many of those band aid moments could you use for every moment that adulthood has stung you? Specifically in the last 3 1/2 years i have had many moments that i would of loved for mommy to put that band aid on and just say "it's going to be alright". Being in ministry i get to meet people going through stuff that you could not imagine, they are facing pain, disappointment's, hopelessness and sometimes i just want to have the same punch that mommies words had and say "it will be alright". Mommy has not been able to be there for all my moments of pain, loneliness and sorrow, but God has not failed me. He has put people around me at the right time, and the right words to tell me "it's going to be alright". (all--right).

If you find yourself tonight, as i have found myself so many times: alone, disappointed, hurting, desperate, tired, hopeless, i share this with you:

Psalms 121:5-6
5 The Lord himself watches over you!
The Lord stands beside you as your protective shade.
6 The sun will not harm you by day,
nor the moon at night
Psalm 147:3
3 He heals the brokenhearted
and binds up their wounds.

Guys, i share with you so hopefully you see my heart that i do not breathe or move forward unless it were for God. Many times i hurt, feel lonely, desperate for rescue, and you know he always come in time. So I encourage you to surrender all the restlessness of your heart in his hands and let his peace reign in your life. I pray that you find these words encouraging and that God surrounds you with the right people, with the right words to give you hope that only comes from God. God bless you

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

The Foggy Sunrise!

Still getting Naked........

The Foggy Sunrise???? What??? stick with me I will explain.

In 1995 i graduated from Cooper City High school. Two years later i married my high school sweet heart. Two kids that were crazy about each other decided to get married. We had two beautiful kids. Kayla (9) Andres. (6). We were married 7 1/2 years when my wife at the time, decided she needed a change in life, and that change did not include me in the picture. I could not stop it, i did everything in my power to save my marriage but her mind was made up and that was it. It broke my heart. I have never suffered the way i suffered when i faced my divorce, never cried the why i did during my divorce, it was horrible!

The nakedness.......
My heart has never been the same since. I have been on a emotional rollercoaster chained to my fears of ever finding someone that would love me the way i want to be loved, and more importantly finding someone that i could love with all of my heart. I have been so frustrated throughout the years because my heart has been chained by these fears. Many times i feel so alone and as a failure. Sometimes with my kids as well, because i feel there is not enough time in the day to be everything that i need to be for them.

The naked truth.......
Yes! these years have been so frustrating at times, yes i am scared, many times.
I am not sure what the answer is to all these questions but what i do know is i will not QUIT!
I will not quit because the bible says "Greater is he who is me, then he who is in the world". I will not quit because i have seen that God has never failed me. My God loves me, I know that he has shown me over and over. I will rest in his promise in James 4:14 How do you know what your life will be like tomorrow? Your life is like the morning fog—it’s here a little while, then it’s gone.

Foggy - yeah there are days it's all foggy and i can't see God's purpose but i can't lose sight of the....
Sunrise- God, in his ways letting me know "Son, I got you, fear not, I am with you always, the best is yet to come".

If you are reading this i write this not to get you to feel sorry for me, it is to share with you the Hope that keeps me alive, that keeps me moving forward, pushing me to finish the race. I hope that whatever scenario you find yourself challenged by that my story gives you hope to not quit! God bless you.

Just Toys????

Just getting naked......

Ok so the other day i decided to clean house a little. I asked my kids to collect all the toys they no longer use and put them in a bag for donation. To my kids it was just toys that they we were getting rid of, but i did not know when we started the project the effect it would have on me. After my kids were done cleaning house, i happen to glance at some of the toys in the bag, man, my emotions took over. Every toy represented for me a trip to Walmart or Toys r' us, or Target as a family. Every toy represented a year of growth for my babies. I remember the expression on there faces when the received these particular toys, and the 5mins they were excited about the toy until they started using the boxes the toys came in to build houses.

Man it was emotional for me to drop those toys off at the Salvation Army store. I also dropped off a bag of old clothes. I remember when i bought them each article of clothing. Remember seeing them run around the house etc. It seemed that when i dropped these items off at the Salvation Army i said goodbye to those memories forever.

It just encouraged me to embrace now, this moment, this season. Time flies!

Friday, August 24, 2007

I'm getting Naked!

In September we are kicking off an awesome series entitled We are going to get Naked, authentic, and let the world see who we are, and that we are nothing without God in our lives. I encourage you to participate in this series with us. Does not matter what part of the country or world you are in join as for this series. We are kicking the series off with the party of the year, and the World is invited. 9/9 @9pm at

Also guys, i am going to get naked right here on my blog. I invite you to walk with me the next couple of weeks as i get naked. I will share my heart with you, hopefully displaying authenticity, and encouraging you to get Naked as well. Make sure to stay tuned to both and

God bless you.

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The Graduation

Tonight I attended a graduation. A friend of mine named Pete Guyon moved on from this world last week to be with God. He died last thursday after a long battle of cancer. I can see Pete as free as this girl in the picture. Running, no more cancer no more pain, singing Praises in Heaven.

Ever go to a graduation (funeral) and it makes you think? Well needless to say, i had many thoughts flowing threw my head tonight. I wanted to just share those thoughts with You:
1. The Legacy- I looked out the audience as i played the piano during the service and i noticed that there had to be over 500 people in the audience. Pete left a Legacy. Pete touched many lives no matter what through health, through deterioration, he made the choice to keep touching people. That is what i live for. I wish to be half the man Pete was. I hope to leave a legacy as he did. Thankyou Pete for being the example.
2. What we have- Pastor Garland, who directed the service tonight stated "You never know what you have until you don't have it". So True! So True! I thought how much I have and i could not wait to run home. When i got home i smiled at hearing my daughter asking me to take her to the library and my son asking me to watch the new TMNT movie that just came out on DVD. The little things that i have that our so valuable and i can easily over look at times.

With that in thought, is there a hug that you have held back from your spouse, a friend, a child? is there a touch, a glimpse that you can share that you haven't? Is there a word or many words that you could say but have not said for any reason? don't leave for tomorrow what you can do right now! Look for the small things that are right in front of you and embrace them, cherish them.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


I am in Orlando for a conference! it's been fun so far, went to the mall, getting ready to meet with Discovery Church of Orlando. I am here with the worship boys, Big papa and Cindy, HP (who love's tree's) , Lilibeth ( we hope she can get to the beach), Cristian (the Dreamer), and Peter Fitton ( who got a great deal at Aber Crombie and Fitch). We have had fun so far. looking forward to learn some cool things.

Hey guys , we have a great series coming up ( Getting naked, letting others see who we really are. It's going to be a great series, Click on the link on my blog and share it with your friends.

Leave A Legacy

Hey guys i was able to work out my Blog where i can use my real TAG "Leave A Legacy" instead of "leave u legacy" so if you have not been on it yet check out some of my old posts and pics. But check back later this weekend for some new posts that i will be adding. i've got some cool stuff for you to read.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007

A Thorn bush or a Late blooming Rose Bush?

Have you had anyone in your life or currently have someone in your lives that you would consider a thorn on your side? According to (A thorn in your side is someone or something that causes trouble or makes life difficult for you)

Ok, now that we know what the expression (idiom) means take a moment and think of all the thorns you have had experience with in your past or you may currently have one right now. I have been blessed with many thorns in my life. Sometimes they are very hard to pull out, get rid off, get away from. Sometimes you can't runaway from them you just have to face them, but it is so amazing that often the thorns that i have faced are the ones that God has persuaded me to express unconditional love to. Can you say the same? that those thorns are the ones you can't escape and you just have to be better, be humble and love when you don't want to love?

Well, guys I have not had a thorn but a thorn bush, in my life for quite some time. And truthfully i have wanted to run away from it sooooooo bad but God has asked me, has told me that his unconditional love is what he wanted me to offer. It has been very humbling, but you know only God has the ability to transform a Thorn bush into a Rose bush. We are simply the seeds, and God is the water, the sunlight, that helps the growth, the transformation. I have been praying for this Thorn Bush and folks in the last week, finally i am starting to see little Rose Petals grow. It's amazing!!! The amazing thing is I am not caught up on how the thorns have pricked me and painfully embedded themselves in me for a long period of time , i am more amazed that God's all powerful, and is answering my prayers, in bits and pieces. Just because we don't see right away with our eyes or we can't touch it with our hands does not mean that God is not up to something. He is behind the scenes doing his mighty works.

My question to you? Who is the Thorn Bush in your lives? Have you stopped believing that they can be transformed into a Rose Bush? Take time today remember that there is nothing too Great for God, nothing. Sorry for the book, but had too share. luv you guys.

Leave A Legacy......

Wednesday, July 25, 2007


Does it ever stop. Ok i had a decent day. Got to work early, was very productive, worked out hard for an hour and half. I got home ate, chicken, salad, lentl soup ( low in sodium), and gatorade. Great day! right??? nah, my house is a mess!!!! i feel like i live washing clothes. When i sleep all i can hear is the rinse cycle and i get up ready to pour in my Snuggles softner. For all of you that don't wash clothes, because someone does it for you, that is what makes your clothes smell good and soft! Oh my gosh, i am constantly cleaning. but! i have a house to clean, i have a washing machine and dryer to clean my clothes. I am blessed! Thankyou God for the spin cycle, for the patience to pair socks up even though i know i will never get back a complete pair, and have to add to the special- missing socks basket! Thankyou God for the things that i might see as agonizing tasks, that are actually reminders of how much you have given me. So i will return to folding clothes for tonight, and who knows, i might find all the socks tonight! Whohoooo!